Asset Management One Co., Ltd.

Responsible Investment

Asset Management One International Ltd. (AMOI) is committed to implementing and evolving our approach to responsible investment to incorporate improvements to the environment, community and workforce.

AMOI recognises the importance of its role in managing social, economic and environmental issues in the course of running its business and seeks to co-ordinate and manage practices to maximise positive social and economic contribution and minimise the environmental impacts of its business, establishing positive impacts on the environment, our clients and employees. Through the power of investment as a trusted steward of our clients’ assets.

Asset Management One has been managing portfolios where investment activities involve environmental or SRI perspectives for more than a decade, both as segregated accounts and as publicly offered investment trusts. Through both the expertise of our own internal team and collaboration with external parties, AMO is able to offer a range of products with responsible investing characteristics.


 A+  Strategy & Governance

 A+  Listed Equity – Incorporation

 A+  Listed Equity – Active Ownership

 A+  Fixed Income – SSA

 A+  Fixed Income – Corporate Financial

 A+  Fixed Income – Corporate Non-Financial

 A+  Fixed Income – Securitised

Source: PRI Assessment Report 2020


AMO Sustainability Report 2023

AMO has been publishing a “Stewardship Report” every year since 2018. This report informs stakeholders of AM-One’s philosophy and stewardship activities.
We are pleased to announce that the content of the “Stewardship Report” has been significantly expanded upon and the name of the report has been revised to “Sustainability Report”.
In this report, along with AMO’s previously announced Corporate Message “Creating a sustainable future through the power of investment”, we introduce the overall picture of sustainability transformation activities being executed to integrate sustainability initiatives into our corporate structure. As with the previous “Stewardship Report”, this report introduces AMO's ESG initiatives, supported by a wealth of examples.
AMO will continue to take sustainability seriously and aims to be an asset management company that contributes to creating a sustainable society and future for all clients.

pdf To access the AMO Sustainability report 2023 please click here

Japan’s Stewardship Code

AMO has declared acceptance of the ‘Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors’, known as Japan’s Stewardship Code, to fulfil its fiduciary duty and stewardship responsibilities properly as a responsible asset manager. Japan’s Stewardship Code was established by the Financial Services Agency and refers to the responsibilities of institutional investors to enhance the medium- to long-term investment return for their clients and beneficiaries, including ultimate beneficiaries, by improving and fostering the investee companies’ corporate value and sustainable growth.

United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment

The AMO Group has been a proud signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2013 (formerly known as the DIAM Group). As a signatory to the UNPRI our aim is to further fulfil our social responsibilities as an institutional investor based on our fiduciary responsibilities, acting in the best long-term interests of our clients and investors.

Montreal Carbon Pledge

AMO and the AMO Group became a signatory to the Montreal Carbon Pledge in October 2015 (formerly known as DIAM). By signing the Montreal Carbon Pledge, investors commit to measuring and publicly disclosing the carbon footprint of their equities portfolios on an annual basis.

The total amount of greenhouse gas discharge for 2018 was approximately 28,000,000 ton. This amount was calculated based on the number of shares owned by all our equities portfolios, as at October 2018. We will continue to disclose greenhouse gas discharge amount regularly.

International Corporate Governance Network 

AMOI is a member of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), promoting effective standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship to advance efficient markets and sustainable economies world-wide. 

Climate Action 100+

AMO is proud to have joined Climate Action 100+ and are actively participating in collaborative engagement on ESG related matters with other global investors to improve governance on climate change, curb emissions and strengthen climate-related financial disclosures. Climate Action 100+ is a five-year initiative led by investors to engage systemically important greenhouse gas emitters and other companies across the global economy that have significant opportunities to drive the clean energy transition and help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Climate Action 100+ is highlighted as one of 12 key global initiatives to tackle climate change.


AMO was the first asset management company in Japan to join RE100, the global initiative aiming to achieve 100% renewable energy, as the first asset management company in Japan. AMO has made an international public commitment to sourcing all its energy consumption from renewable energy by 2050, and will contribute to accelerating renewable energy adoption. AMO has committed to transitioning to renewable energy on its own, while also exercising engagement to help investee companies tackle climate change as an asset manager exercising fiduciary responsibility. As part of its long-term commitment to sustainability, Asset Management One will continue to drive renewable energy expansion and support for carbon neutrality to build a more sustainable world. RE100, led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, is a collaborative initiative bringing together the world’s most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable power.

Asset Management One International Ltd. is dedicated to providing Asian and global investment strategies to institutional and corporate investors in EMEA.

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